AERA - humanum est / hand und fuss CD

                          AERA – HUMANUM EST     ( D 1974 ) Erlkönig Label

                           AERA – HAND UND FUSS   ( D 1976 ) Erlkönig Label

                          both albums now on 1 CD ( OW 055 CD) Ohrwaschl Records


 „in the tradition of bavarian jazz-rock oriented progressive bands like Embryo,

Missus Beastly,Munju,Moira etc.,with a style unique to that area,

originating as a highly inventive fusion band,with strong percussion,driving rhythms

and lots of space for solos from guitar ,sax and flute“

(from „Crack in Cosmic Egg“,1996) .

                                                                                                  2 albums on 1 CD   - 14,99.- €

new and sealed CD!

                                                                                                          OW055 CD



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